Sunday, May 24, 2020
John Miltons Paradise Lost Essay - 1848 Words
John Miltons Paradise Lost Freedom (free will) is the absence of imposed behavior. Individual freedom is obviously attractive, but when there is real freedom of choice, the wrong choice is the one that is made - such as the choice made by Satan who although he can be admired for his having dared to rebel against the norm, is not heroic for having chosen to plot against God. Free will was given to man in order to be able to choose the faith since in the absence of free will, there is no way to test faith. The more tested we are, the closer we are to God although whether we truly exercise free will is questionable since perhaps it is simply enforced via the threat of punishment upon transgression. In any event, despite the†¦show more content†¦In this way, Milton gives free expression with apparent contradictions. He can perhaps then be compared with Satan since he is thought to be a ground-breaking leader who is a revolutionary rebel. In any event, it was this pride which motivated Satan to question God. Questioning authority is another sin and it should si mply be accepted that those in power keep the power. While in Heaven, Satan refused to accept the autocracy and later managed to convince an army of cohorts to question God and struggle for the control of power. In this same way, Cromwell can be perceived as a Satanic figure since he also dared to question the king in power at the time, Charles II. Satan and God are in binary opposition. It is said that God created light out of the void which also makes it credible that he created Satan to take the part of being his adversary. They are inseparable in that removing one would cause the other to cease to exist. Milton was a man in utter conflict In terms of religious beliefs, he was a devout Cristian and therefore, to him, there was no question of Gods existence, beauty, benevolancy and goodness. Consquently, Satan was the personification of evil and the antithesis of moral good since Satan represents everything opposite to God. In this way, it is primordial that evil be allowed to express itself sinceShow MoreRelatedJohn Miltons Paradise Lost2516 Words  | 11 PagesJohn Milton’s famous poem Paradise Lost has influenced society throughout the ages on a number of topics ranging from the fall of Satan to the marriage roles that Adam and Eve teach us. One idea stands alone though more so than that of any other topic that Milton writes about and that is the idea of a Satanic Trinity. The Satanic Trinity shows how the evil of Hell spread to Earth and how it tempts us in our everyday life. Milton writes about the Satanic Trinity because he believes that one must understandRead MoreJohn Miltons Theodicy in Paradise Lost595 Words  | 2 PagesParadise Lost is an epic of John Milton, a seventeenth century English author, known for being the greatest reader in English history. The poem goes back to the beginning of time and tells of the rebellion of Satan and his followers, the war in that took place in heaven, and the defeat of Satan. The story also tells of the creation of the world, the life of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and their loss of everything when they give into the temptations of Satan in the form of a reptile. It endsRead MoreTheodicy in John Miltons Paradise Lost792 Words  | 3 PagesJohn Miltons theodicy in Paradise Lost is an attempt to justify the ways of God to men. Many ask how God could let someone as innocent as a child die in a horrible way. How could a God that is all loving and all powerful let something like that happen? He answers this using the fall of Mankind as the trigger point. Cordelia Zukerman and Thomas H. Luxon, The dominance of these themes comes from the fact that Milton is writing about the first humans on earth, humans who have no history and no wayRead MoreHumanism in John Miltons Paradise Lost2072 Words  | 9 Pageshumanism. Moreover, the authors who wrote already during the 17th century and represented the Neoclassicism proceeded with the ideas of humanism. John Milton, who grew out of the Renaissance and classical tradition, was one of such authors. He was the greatest Puritan poet and the first English revolutionary poet in the 17th century. Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’, written during the last stage of his life and being one of the poet’s greatest creations, covers the ideas of humanism most deeply and widelyRead MoreJohn Miltons Paradise Lost863 Words  | 4 PagesParadise Lost is a story of Genesis told as it normally would be, but with a protagonist focus on Satan. The story is told largely with Satan being favorably portrayed and God having little presence other than cursing things, which convinces the audience that Satan’s view of God as a tyrant may not be too far off. Still, Satan is portrayed as the villain of the story. However, he has characteristics of a classical hero; including flaws that make the audience re late to and feel sympathy for him. ByRead More John Miltons Paradise Lost Essay3087 Words  | 13 PagesJohn Miltons Paradise Lost John Milton’s Paradise Lost is filled with fantastical tales from the depths of Hell, extravagant descriptions of the fallen angels, and a curious recitation of the council of demons in their new palace. How did Milton dream up such vivid depictions of such horrible demons as the ones we see in Book I? Most of his fallen angels originate in the form of Pagan gods condemned by the Bible, with actual historical backgrounds which Milton cites in his lengthy descriptionsRead MoreThe Progression Of Satan In John Miltons Paradise Lost1319 Words  | 6 Pages The Progression of Satan Paradise Lost is an epic poem written by John Milton other uses this epic poem to depict the integral scenes, or rather, experiences that lead up to the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden. In the Bible, as well as all prominent, and popular religious works; there is a clear distinction as to who the reader should be cheering for throughout their readings. However, John Miltons Paradise Lost has turned this concept on its head. Rather than placing the focus ontoRead More Narcissism in John Milton’s Paradise Lost Essay794 Words  | 4 PagesNarcissism in John Milton’s Paradise Lost When Eve eats the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, her decision to tell Adam of her disobedience turns on two suppositions. If her transgression is kept secret from God, Eves augmented knowledge might increase Adams love for her, and perhaps cause her to be more equal or even superior to Adam. Even though Eve was created comparable to Adam as his helper, she refers to Adam as her Author and Disposer. Furthermore, she says that while GodRead MoreEssay on Satan in John Miltons Paradise Lost2512 Words  | 11 Pagesof God, a personification of evil, the fallen angel, a spirit created by God, and also the accuser. People see Satan differently, some know of his existence, others think of him as just a myth, and there are those that just ignore him. John Miltons Paradise Lost tells of Satans banishment from Heaven and his gain of earth. He and his brigade have plotted war against God and are now doomed to billow in the fiery pits of hell. Satan is a complex character with ma ny different qualities. God is aRead MoreHell In John Miltons Paradise Lost : Hell1034 Words  | 5 PagesJohn Milton’s Paradise Lost: Hell Term Paper Hell has a very long history; it comes up even before Christianity where the idea of hell has been mentioned across many different cultures. Over the period of many centuries, the concept of hell has changed and developed. To further understand John Milton’s description of hell in his poem â€Å"Paradise Lost†it would be a good idea to look at what the standard notion of hell in Europe before or during the 17th century. When looking back at the middle ages
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Speech On The First Amendment - 1786 Words
Cecilia Long MC 4301 Gilbert Martinez 05/06/2016 Part 2: Final Exam The First Amendment protects any person’s freedom of speech from Congress, state government and local public officials. However, this does not allow individuals to be free in saying anything that they want to say. One example of speech that is not protected by the First Amendment are crimes involving speech. If a form of speech is used to commit a crime such as perjury, harassment or extortion, it will not be provided protection by the First Amendment. Another example is Conduct Regulations. Our government has the right to make laws in regards to the specific conduct used in the speech such as stating when, where and how the speech can be provided. These regulations can be upheld by courts as long as they considered content-neutral and are not constraining the expression of ideas. For example, they are allowed to limit the size of collateral used for speech and are also able to limit the level of sound in speech that can be heard at distinct times. The Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics strives to secure the â€Å"free exchange of information†. It must be fair, accurate and thorough and also states that integrity is a key factor in being an ethical journalist. The Society asserts four main principles as the foundations to all ethical journalism and promotes their use in practice by all people in all media. The first code is to â€Å"Seek Truth and Report It.†It states that all ethicalShow MoreRelatedThe First Amendment : Uncensored Speech857 Words  | 4 PagesThe First Amendment: Uncensored Speech Centuries ago in American society, individuals were not granted the free will to act and speak freely. First Amendment rights allowed citizens to do so. On a historical outlook, the oppressed fought for the rights of various groups in the United States. Although laws and situations evolve, groups in America continue to face inequality and issues with freedom of speech. There is room for further improvement; freedom for all citizens needs to be fulfilled. TheRead MoreFreedom Of Speech : The First Amendment1412 Words  | 6 PagesOverview of Free Speech Freedom of Speech. The First Amendment. It’s likely the most well-known part of the United States Constitution, and was considered by the founders of our country to be one of the most important pieces of a free society. While in years prior it has generally been agreed upon that free speech - especially political speech - is vital to democracy, today there are some people singing a different tune. There are those who believe that certain offensive speech (or in some casesRead MoreFirst Amendment Persuasive Speech769 Words  | 4 Pages Although the First Amendment addresses the right of free speech, there are still limitations to what one can say or do to express his or her opinions. For example, threats, libel/slander, obscenity, and fighting words are illegal and can result in arrest depending on the extent of the crime. Despite these restrictions, there are some undesirable situations that the First Amendment still covers. These situations are considered unacceptable i n society and can cause disruptions in everyday life. YellingRead MoreThe First Amendment And Freedom Of Speech In Schools1571 Words  | 7 PagesThe First Amendment gives the citizens of the United States their most important rights: the right to freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion, and the freedom of assembly. Over time these rights have worked themselves into the everyday lives of United States citizens. However, there are still places where our First Amendment rights may be compromised. In the school system, finding a balance of respect and freedom of speech and press is as difficult as learning out to tightrope walkRead MoreThe Actions And Speech Are Protected By The First Amendment Essay1683 Words  | 7 PagesOne of the many battle grounds of debate in the U.S. currently is what actions and speech are protected by the first amendment. Since there is so much that is not directly defined in the Constitution, there is room for interpretation on whether or not certain it is protected by it. One topic in particular is supporting the terrorist group ISIS. ISIS is a group of Muslim extremist based out of Syria. Their goals are to create a radical extremist state, the caliphate, through religious violence (AbuRead MoreFreedom Of Speech By The First Amendment Of The Constitution1657 Words  | 7 Pagesprotected by the First Amendment of the Constitution.†(Literacy, 2005) This definition describes the most important freedom in my eyes. Without freedom of speech, I am unable to be the individual that I strive to be, which is to stick out and be unique, which is why I treasure freedom of speech the most. I am going to take advantage of my freedom of speech and use it to cultivate and progress my business goals in life to make me successful as a woman in the business world. Freedom of speech had to takeRead MoreFirst Amendment and Free Speech Essay1544 Words  | 7 Pagespaper will examine the first amendment’s right to free speech based on three different Supreme Court cases and how there are varying examples of free speech. In the case of Snyder v. Phelps, Snyder sued Phelps, the Westboro Baptist Church, for intentional infliction of emotional distress, invasion of privacy by intrusion upon seclusion, and conspiracy because the church set-up protest outside of his military son’s funeral service (Chen et al., 2010). Another side of free speech involves a case whichRead MoreThe Freedom Of Speech Through The First Amendment Essay1156 Words  | 5 PagesAccording to the Bill of Rights, we are afforded the freedom of speech through the first amendment. But this awarding of freedom is only allowed if it goes along with what the general population deems â€Å"normal†. During the middle part of the 1900’s many books were banned on political, religious, and moral views. While our society has changed these issues are still prevalent in today’s public views and opinions of author’s work. These books are not â€Å"normal†and that is why they play an unprecedentedRead MoreThe First Amendment Violates Our Freedom Of Speech814 Words  | 4 Pagesadversities that mold the way we carry out decisions and have an impact on the way we make decisions and view situations. American citizens have the right to vote for our leaders, and it is vital to exercise this freedom. The First Amendment constitutes our freedom of speech, but if not properly exercise our right to vote, how can we justify protesting the outcome of policies. The president serves as an advocate for many political policies. We as American citizens blame the president when thingsRead MoreFree Speech, First Amendment Rights And Terroristic Messages Essay1415 Words  | 6 Pagesthe article because for several reasons: it s importance in the context of this class, and the First Amendment rights of the defendants. Second, my final paper topic was â€Å"Free Speech, First Amendment Rights and Terroristic Messages†. I ve used the article in my paper and presentation, as well I ve particularly valued the case of Tarek Mehanna, 2012 while giving the examples for the Free speech rights and its protection in case of use and distribution of Terroristic Messages . Finally
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Television Is a Great Invention Free Essays
Some people say television is the worst inventions of modern times. They make this assertion for some reasons. The following points are some of them. We will write a custom essay sample on Television Is a Great Invention or any similar topic only for you Order Now First, they think that televisions make people more passive than before. Second, they think televisions contribute to the fact that people are more distant to each other. To begin with, I must admit that the first point is reasonable. With a television all you need to doâ€â€and all you can do is to sit on a comfortable sofa and look at the screen. People are becoming more passive simply because there is no interaction and no efforts on them. Everything contains good side and bad side and television has no exception. Yeah, of course, it makes people lazier and passive. They just watch things on TV instead of doing by themselves. But apart from that, television is by all means a great invention. There is only a minority of people who can watch some events on the scene, like some live matches and competitions . So how can the rest of people participate in the events far from the place the events happen? Of course through television which all people are legal and free to enjoy can we do so. In addition, to people who want to travel but with no money, television is undoubtedly a great thing through which people can see the world only by sitting ideally at home. To the second point, I want to say that it is true. Televisions do make people less close to each other. Family get-togethers and conversations are disturbed by TVâ€â€when one member is watching TV, he would like others to keep quiet. But everyone have time when he or she is alone. Television alienates people not so much as it provides all kinds of relaxation and entertainment for people when they are alone. Although television addict some adolescents to situation comedies; although televisions put glasses on millions of students’ noses; although television reduce communications between families and friends, the advantages of television are far more than the harm it does to us. To us individuals, when we finish a whole day’s work and feel exhausted both physically and mentally, we may turn on televisions and have a good relaxation; when we want to get information on sports?entertainment or large events in the world, we turn on televisions and get it from all kinds of TV programs; even when we want to learn English?etiquette or custom of foreign countries, we can turn on the television and get what we need from them, always. In a word, I think television is a great invention which is of great significance to the evolution of human society. References: How to cite Television Is a Great Invention, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
The Journey is Worth More than the Message free essay sample
Several pebbles massage the soles of my feet as grains of sand nestle in between my toes. As the sun begins to settle into the ground, the ocean urgently laps at my toes, begging for the release of the glass soda bottle still clutched in my hands. The now unfurled slip of paper in the bottle allows the four words scribbled across it to become partially visible. While the orange haze that previously tinted the world fades to black, the bottle, released from my grasp, soars through the stars, waiting to be cradled by the waves and directed by the current. As the bottle voyages farther into the unknown, I head back home, to wait to face my own unknown future. For months the bottle traverses the never ending waves and eloquently conquers every storm Mother Nature throws at it, all while keeping four words dry. The weeks pass by on land as tests, quizzes, homework and activities invade the hours in my day. We will write a custom essay sample on The Journey is Worth More than the Message or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As winter approaches, blocks of ice bombard the bottle, but the five syllables continue to remain unharmed. Looking out my window, I pause for a moment remembering the bottle, hoping and believing in its success, only to be interrupted by the seemingly endless papers to write and problems to solve. Waves begin to combine creating temporary skyscrapers as the bottle’s odds of surviving plummet, but still it carries on. Stress and the fear of failure invade my mind, but still I carry on. The shore finally becomes visible as the world begins to warm yet again. The long awaited sun greets the bottle as it finally connects with solid ground, nestling in the sand. As seasons change once again, the bottle drifts back into my mind. Doubt begins to envelope me that my message has not been received, disheartening me. For sometimes the simple words of â€Å"I believe in you†are exactly what someone needs to hear. When those around me believed in me through every hard test, every tough cross country race, and any time the possible seemed impossible, it was enough to help me persevere and succeed. With all these thoughts racing through my head, I traveled to the exact beach where I threw my bottle out to sea a year before. While strolling and reminiscing, a foreign object intercepted my path causing me to not only smell but taste the ocean too. Recovering, I planned to give whatever so kindly tripped me a piece of my mind until; the bottle I’d sent out a year ago entered my line of sight. Gingerly, I unscrewed the bottle and slowly unrolled the now yellowed paper. There the words â€Å"I believe in you†still remained in stark contrast to the paper. Stuffing the paper in my pocket, I now knew that even though I enjoy other’s belief in me, what really matters and makes me successful and dedicated is the belief I hold in myself.
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