Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Anorexia And Bulimi A Psychological Disorder - 773 Words
Health Science Anorexia and Bulimia Written by: Monique Chavez Nadia Jimenez Ashley Lopez Monica C. Every few second’s people are dying all around the world from diseases and different illnesses. Most of these diseases that are attacking us, involve the destruction of our immune system, but there are others that include attacking our thoughts and mind. Anorexia and Bulimia happen to be one of them that goes much further than just thinking yourself as fat. It’s a psychological issue that has become increasing over the years, because of the pressure of society. Young women and even men are feeling the need to damage their bodies in order to â€Å"blend†or â€Å"fit†in. Let’s begin with†¦show more content†¦The purging can include using laxatives, vomiting, enemas, and exercising excessively, in order to get rid of the calories that were consumed. Again the non-profit organizations separates bulimia into two categories; like anorexia it too has a purging, the second is non-purging ( Unfortunately the people who suffer from e ating disorders are the younger crowds of females, who are between the ages of 12-23. Although both sexes may suffer from the disease, it is proven by studies from the UK that â€Å"93% of the women reported having negative thoughts†(266). It usually approaches them when they enter high school, because it becomes apparent to them that â€Å"body image†is important to media and popular culture. Food and water is one of our main sources of survival. Just as the Sun provides life to the plants, we work exactly the same way with food. Our body depends on the food for energy and its nutrients. Without it our bodies would stop functioning correctly and would work ten times harder in order for us to live our everyday lives. Imagine starving your body and the results of how you would feel and act? It probably wouldn’t feel very good. The results of doing so come with consequences. For example with anorexia, there will always be a dramatic weight loss and yet still f eel fat. They also develop an obsession of counting calories and having a fixation on
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